What's it like being really attractive?

I've been told by people who I consider to be attractive that I'm attractive.

I was going to type something out that was longer, but I'll keep it brief.

I've been sexually harassed by coworkers of both sexes (I'm a guy), and I feel like overweight people envy me- although due to GI issues stemming from IBD, I in fact struggle to maintain a healthy weight myself. People on the fringes of society seem to be able to telepathically sense my proximity to them, and then telekinetically transport themselves to within five feet of me to strike up a two hour conversation about boring tunnels through sand through sheer will to benefit landlocked countries, or how they have a molecular recreation of the Magna Carta stuffed in their back pocket or something equally strange yet fascinating.

People look at me a lot, it seems- which sort of plays with my social anxiety. At parties, girls seem to presume that I have game, have been around the block plenty of times, and will totally take the lead if they start talking to me or sit at my table/next to me at some watering hole, which never happens because see of the previously mentioned social anxiety/GI fuckery.

I guess the tl;dr is: being attractive is great if you're an extrovert, and good but sort of odd and bizarre at times if you're not.

/r/AskReddit Thread