TIL of the "idiot plot". The term was popularized by film critic Roger Ebert, who defines it as "[a]ny plot containing problems that would be solved instantly if all of the characters were not idiots".

Lmao what even. I just gave you examples, and if "how Willow was written" isn't specific enough then I don't think there's any hope for you. Also I never said Cabin In The Woods wasn't meta commentary, what the fuck are you on about?

You clearly can't read. Where you know I said when on was great

Fuck me, the irony is strong in this one.

Well maybe whedon is perfect if someone so smart like you can't even find one example.

I like how you turned me saying I'm capable of reading meta and context into me apparently boasting about my smarts. Let me get this straight - you tried to insult me, and when I defended myself yoj decided to turn that into a negtive thing too. And thank you for affirming my assumption that you yourself lack the ability to look at Whedon's work critically - you keep saying if I can't name faults (which I have, you just keep ignoring them), then that must mean they don't exist. Which must mean you haven't found any yourself, because you have such a raging hard on for Whedon you refuse to admit that "oh yeah he did kinda screw Willow over" over "I guess the plot in some of the Avengers movies kinda didn't make much sense." But you can't, and you think if you can get me to admit I can't name any faults, then you've won.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org