What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

Went on a "dating app" called hot or not.. whoever was a match with me I had this long ass message I just copied and pasted to send to the girls telling them they are really pretty and all that. I did this to try and make a long conversation and in the end hopefully get nudes. Surprisingly sometimes this asshole of a love worked. I figured since the girls were even on this app in the first place I would give them some attention and some compliments it looked like they needed, even though I needed more than they did

Anyways, I was in HS at the time and I matched with someone at my school... didn't know them never even seen them.. I was scrolling through twitter when I see this post saying don't be this guy and it showed a picture of my copy/pasted message I sent everyone, and a little icon with my picture on it... luckily you could barely tell it was me. But I remember on this anonymous question/answer app I used someone called me a man whore and it got like 70 views.. Never went on hot or not ever again and immediately stopped being the attention seeking man whore I was..

/r/AskReddit Thread