What's the most significant "you just fucked with the wrong person" moment you've witnessed or experienced?

Haha. I saw something kinda similar here. During the Fiestas here in Tucson, on a Saturday, it was the usual good times. Band playing on center stage in front of a large grassy area for people to sit. Dozens of booths arranged in half circle around the grassy area. Lots of families and lots of kids running around. A few TPD bicycle cops at the entrance chilling. Good times. Safe. That is until a Bronco full of Confederate Flag patch toting, white tee, rolled up jeans and black boot wearing white, r/theDonald type bro dudes show up. As they walk in the cops perk up. One follows on foot as they make their way in to inner area where the booths are. As soon as they walk in, the biggest one, who was about 6'5, proclaims that the border patrol is here and wants to see papers. Now, the crowd is mostly Mexican-American. Obviously these five guys were there to start shit or provoke people. Problem is, Tucson doesn't really play that shit. The only time we see confederate flags or deal with racist shit is when outsiders bring that garbage with them. To give you an idea how Arizona is setup is everything south of Phoenix is more liberal minded. And that's not to say that the people of Phoenix aren't, because they are, it's just that Phoenix and north of it are Gerrymandered to hell. But I digress. So these guys are obviously up to no good, so the organizers of the event ask the police to make them leave. Cops say sorry, but this is a public event. No sooner does the cop say that when the giant, racist oaf and his cronies have "accidentally" knocked an old woman's food out of her hand. They were laughing "Oops! Me no see you!" Well, from the grassy area a little guy, about 5'7, stalky, walks right up to the big guy and tells him that he should apologize to the old lady and that she was his grand mother. Big guy and his racist friends say that this America, he didn't have to do anything that he didn't want and that if he didn't like it he could go back to Mexico. Little guy tells him that he is American not Mexican and that he is third generation U.S. Marine Corp. Big guy says, "I don't give a fuck. You're still a bunch of spics!" Fucking record scratch. It seemed like everything just stopped. They wanted attention, they got it. Men from the grassy area started standing up and making their way to the five red necks. The little guy says, "Well, at least I have balls enough to stand here by myself you fucking pussy." So, the big guy shoves the little guy and as soon as the big guy touch him, the little Marine unloaded on the racist. It was like a wolverine mauling a grizzly. It was really entertaining, and scary, to witness. Of course, the cowards jumped in and tried beating the kid up, but he held his own until the cops finally busted up the fight. They arrested all six of them, even the Marine. Don't know what happened exactly, with the legal outcome of all, but I like to think that whatever happened with the little guy, I hope he ended up all right because that was the best ass whooping I've ever personally witnessed. I thought the crowd was going to rip these guys to shreds, but all it took was one bad-ass m'fer to break and bloody most of their noses. On top of getting their asses kicked, the racists failed. The whole skirmish was all of five minutes. Five minutes, from the time they walked in to the moment TPD escorted them out to the parking lot. The fiestas kept on until 10 pm and most people who were there didn't even notice.

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