What's the most tragic love story that you or someone you know has ever been part of?

My great-aunt (my dad's aunt).

She was born in South Africa, but moved to Australia as a child with her parents and siblings.

Her family were going to move to Singapore to follow her father's job, but she'd fallen in love with an Australian boy. He rode a motorbike and came from a big, Catholic family. Her parents were outraged that she'd fallen for a Catholic boy, and forced her to move to Singapore with them.

A couple of years later, her family fled back to Australia during the Fall of Singapore and she finds out that the man she was in love with had died defending Singapore.

Her mother used this ("he wouldn't have died if he hadn't followed you" and "you're our only unmarried child, it's your responsibility" and "It's God's wishes") and her own emotionally vulnerable state to force her to stay home and care for her mother into her old age.

My great-aunt never married and never moved away from the family home. She made it her life's work to care for her parents and her extended family, and work for the church. She taught Sunday School, she did the church finances, she did charity work and helped babysit the children and visited with anyone from the church needed company.

When we cleaned out the house after she died last year, we found his motorcycle jacket in her wardrobe.

/r/AskReddit Thread