What's a movie trope you absolutely HATE?

I read mostly horror and write mostly thrillers so I am quite detailed on these books. Now, I am going to use bullets, I feel it keeps me organized and stop me from going off on tantrums about why I hate it so much. Oh, and all the examples are one minute creations from me so since I only had a minute, it may suck but still. Here we go.

Supernatural stories:

  1. As much sex or nudity is a must to keep males reading. Share no detail about the male's sex organ but use three paragraphs to describe the woman's tits and butt. Oh, but sex is skipped over. I never knew how many words could describe “a pink hard nipples on soft mounds of flesh that he wanted to kiss. The way the nipple tickles against his teeth made his penis jerk with lost but she was having so too much joy by the pleasure overwhelming her as he flicked her hard pink nioples with his tongue. She released a breathless gasp and gripped her free breast with her own hand, squeezing the soft flesh before rubbing against her nipple. She was getting wet and he could feel it against his pants. He slipped a finger between her legs where little hair tickled his hand as he rubbed against her clit before slowly inserting a finger into the wet warm,” you get the hint. Yes, this was. Original by me made a minute ago to describe what I hate reading. But come on, admit it, I should write smut. I make good stories about sex.
  2. Ghosts end up the same. Angry, tormented ghosts taking revenge against the world that did them wrong. Sure, one book it might be a manor and the next a school but the same thing happens.
  3. The description of ghosts: “and as they walked down the halls they could hear it following them, breathless exhales of air that made the hair on the back of their neck stand up. They continue onwards, looking at the front door with longing. They were so close. Screams hastened their pace and soon they heard the dragging of a chain getting closer and closer. Voices of the decreased all around them, some cheering for them to escape, others waiting for their chance to get them, to hear the last of their heart, to tear upon their flesh and tape their corpses. The room was darkening as hatred of the dead stole the light, leaving them running blindly with only each other. With only each other and a million ghosts, all catching up quickly again, I wrote that in two minutes but it's close to stereotypes so yeah.
  4. The slut dies. She deserves it, too, am I right? What? No? Oh, right…
  5. The girl always survives at the end. A guy may survive too, but always a girl.


  1. Women get raped, her boyfriend gets mad, women gets kidnapped, guys go on a journey to find them only to fall in love with the lady helping him. Oh, and he finds his girlfriend a hundred pages before the end where she dies. It's ok because, “I realized that she never really loved me. She thought she did, I thought she did, but we were never made for each other. This beautiful lady who has been helping me who ever really does love me. Perhaps, it was a good thing my wife was kidnapped, perhaps it led me to my actual soulmate.” -not happy with this but this was written in a minute. I read so many stories like this and it pisses me off.
  2. Gore-there is a difference between good description and need for gore and just slapping it in for fun. Good: “As he felt the blade slice him, he let out a gasp, not even to scream. Pain erupted, as warm blood poured out of his wound and cool as it continues to fall. He thought, perhaps stealing meth was not worth it, afterall.” Versus: “And with a knife, he stabbed him over and over again until all that was left was a gutted stomach with blood everywhere. He screamed at the dying man, ‘You should have not stole my meth, asshole.”
  3. Females are always the victims. Men are always the perpetrators. It drives me off the wall. Men get killed, raped, kidnapped, beaten, etc too. Why is it always girls?

By the way, I write both supernatural and crime, I am guilty of some, too. So, no hate. I loved every book I read but some annoy me.

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