What's the rudest thing a guest in your home has done?

i went drinking with a guy after we finished finals for a business law class in college. We had taken smoke breaks together for 15 weeks so we went to celebrate that shit being over at a neighboring bar.

shit got expensive quickly so we decided to grab a 24 pack and go to my place, nearby.

So we're drinking, going through my cd collection talkin about tunes like we normally do at our smoke breaks.

My ex-gf calls,and we chit chat a bit and she's like "you have a guy over? is he gay?" I'm like.wtf? why would you think that? What a weird thing to assume. Not as far as i know.. not that it matters. I run her off the phone and go back drinking

My roommate comes home. She just got off work and is tired. She asks me the SAME THING about him. I'm like.. how is he giving off this vibe? He's dressed like a regular guy, he doesn't talk or act in any way that i would consider a lame stereotype of gay men. But ok. She goes to play on the computer in our bedroom (shared bedroom, 1 bedroom apartment, 2 beds though)

So the guy asks me to come sit by him on the couch. I'm like ,, jfc. They're right. Why, I ask. "So we can be closer".

We have this little conversation about how I'm flattered, so thanks but no thanks - i don't swing that way.

He tries to convince me to try it out, that i wouldn't know if i liked it unless i tried. I let him know, I've had my experimentations and it's not for me so again - lets just go back to hanging out.

We have a really odd 10 minutes of talkinga bout music again and he decides to leave. He's utterly shit faced. And i'm not comfortable with this.

So i offer him the couch. I get him some blankets and a pillow and go to the shared bedroom and tell him goodnight.

So my roomie is on a web forum and showing me this thread she's been reading and I can't remember what it was. But it was hilarious. It had me in tears laughing.

Of course...gay dude thinks I'm in my bedroom with her laughing about what happened rather than laughing about what's on the computer and loses his shit.

I mean kicks my fucking bedroom door down and tries to fight me.

There was shoving, screaming, cursing/explaining, accusations being flung and no one really listening to what the other was saying until I literally shoved him out and told him to leave while my roomie had phone in hand ready to dial the cops.

But all you mother fuckers don't know "rude" until you have kids and start having your parents over all the time. Much smaller, less sensational stories than this one grind me like no other when it concerns my kid and my Fox News obsessed, assbackwards folks who act too good to wash their hands or use hand sanitizer around a baby, who have to be scolded to not bring racist/sexist crap into my house and around my kid. Who need to not act like they have a right to see my kid so much that no matter how much i give and do - it's never enough and i get accused of hoarding him away from them. Where they will fail to tell me that they are sick or just getting over something, b/c they know if they did then we wouldn't meet up (my house or otherwise), then they proceed to play with my child by putting their mouth on him or sharing drinks or straws or letting him put his hand in their mouth. Or how they couldn't understand why I didn't want my 20 month old to play with the 150lb Leonberger (dog) with an anxiety/aggressive streak - since they brought him over purely for my kid to see and play with. ( a dog they'd eventually put down b/c they constantly made shit decisions with that dog, that led to a situation where he bit someone). Or who will regurgitate Ben Carson political talking points that dance damn close to being anti-vaxx when taking my kid to go get vaccinated.

Having a child is the #1 way for everyone around you to go "boundaries? what boundaries? what are those?"

/r/AskReddit Thread