What's a strange/unique thing about your body?

My senses are very sensitive. I can smell a lot more than most people. Some quick examples: I can tell when a lot of women are on their periods, I can tell when people are "in heat" not because they are flirting with me but I'm aware of the pheromones (I'm pretty sure? They don't really have a smell but I've been able to confirm with through some very awkward conversations). This one is a curse soooo much more than a blessing. There are so many more bad smells than good.

My eyesight isn't 20/20 but I pick up on a LOT of minor movement because my peripheral vision is large and my eyes are sensitive to movement. Additionally I can see pretty damn well in the dark but don't try to do it often because I'm worried I'll hurt my eyes.

My tongue is probably the only good part, but you can look up what a super taster is. It has some pros, but it makes a lot of "good" foods taste fucking awful.

My hearing was really good. Ever since I moved to San Fran and had to ride the Bart my hearing has worsened. Mostly this one sucks too. People talk shit about you when they think they are a safe 20-30 feet away and whispering. Also hearing things that are farther away than you thought can make you paranoid that you are "hearing things". I've met a few others who have great hearing so I don't think this is rare.

The shittiest one is touch. I don't know if it's related Tony medical conditions, but I'm very touch sensitive. I can't jerk off with lube at all. My nerves are highly sensitive to pain. Pleasure can be overwhelming. I can feel everything that goes wrong in my body (those medical conditions) and gas fucking hurts!!!!

After being over stimulated for a couple years, I've been to some cognitive therapists and learned to control/lessen the impact these signals have to my brain. Life's better now but things can get out of hand sometimes.

/r/AskReddit Thread