What's a thing you're now happy your parents forced you to do?

Getting a job in highschool.

Their conditions were : 1) If you want a car, you will have a job before we get you a car 2) If you lose the job/quit without having another job, you lose car privileges 3) You will pay us a car note as if we were the bank (for half the value of the car) 4) You will pay for half of your insurance and your own gas

As an adult, I really appreciate that my parents made me work to earn those things and didnt just hand it to me. The experiences I had working those jobs gave me so much more empathy for other people, shaped my attitude towards money, taught me how to budget, and most importantly made me realize just how good I had it. I was very privileged to have grown up middle class. My parents could afford to get me my own car, I never worried about basic needs, and as a kid it honestly never occurred to me that everyone didnt have that luxury. Working with some of the adults working the same minimum wage job I had made me understand just how hard it is to stretch minimum wage to cover bills and how much some people really do struggle (and how bullshit it is that minimum wage is not a true livable wage).

/r/AskReddit Thread