Whats up with this people about yamato

I'm at my wits end to be honest because I just don't understand how people fail to come to the logical conlcusion that she will join. Someone explain to me why she wouldn't. It was so obvious that she was going to join yet I see people saying "Oh she's got no character arc so what's the point?" or "Her identity issues will never mix well with the crew dynamic". I don't get it. It's obvious to me that she'll join with no problems but apparently it's not to other people.

Imagine building up a character that expresses her interest to join only for the captain to say "Uh no screw it, you've got issues and Wano needs you. See ya" - That would be a letdown don't you think? Again, just my two cents but I'm shocked at some of the comments (not on this post, elsewhere).

/r/OnePiece Thread