What's up with Zachary Levi and Pfizer?

Joe Rogan is left-wing, that he disagrees with you on a single issue does not a right-wing make. Jordan Peterson general schtick is about responsibility and yada yada, it's honestly rather insulting to the left to insinuate that he's right-wing. He made a joke. About someone who abused their partner. I fail to see a problem here. Also, since when is exclöuding people based on race not racist?

This is without going into the "Antivaxx" narrative which is just an emotiuonal coping method to deal with people who disagree with others on *a single vaccine*. It's silly to keep pretending that people having other opinions and thoughts about a *single* vaccine and are fine with all other vaccines are "antivaxx".

This is especially silly when you even admit that "Big pharma is bad" but somehow the potentiality of big pharma possibly lying or not being honest about risks and effects of the vaccine, or outright not knowing, is somehow a conspiracy theory even though Pfizer literally has been convicted of doing just that in the past and it has come out that government and pharma both have worked to suppress speech on Twitter, outright lied about the vaccine ("It prevents spread", "It makes you fully immune") and etc.

It's damaging to society as a whole to keep up all of this just to create echo chambers through content moderation or by throwing labels around to shut down arguments.

But here we are, with people thinking it's a wonderful idea to try and moderate speech without taking a single moment to consider the fact that the political pendulum swings and what then happens when the "Other side" becomes the ones that hold institutional and cultural power instead.

Which is why I generally prefer actually having dialogue over all this political nonsense that is basically just a repeat of the evangelical moral panic but more publicly accepted, because I actually *like* being able to talk about things without either side trying to jam their preconceptions about what is "Acceptable speech" down my throat. I also like to prevent extremism by *not* shutting down speech and causing echo chambers that lead to just that.

/r/OutOfTheLoop Thread Parent