What's working at a 9-5 office REALLY like?

I have a bit more of "the bad ones", as I work late every day, pay isn't very good, and I have tons of work every day but it's all dull and annoying because I spend most of my time fighting with other departments as more time is spent on making sure you can offload any complaints on other departments than actually doing work.

In detail: I work in pharmaceutical translations. But not in the actual translator position I applied to, as the entire translation department was outsorced the day I had my interview, but as an RA auditor for translations and graphics. So essentially I spellcheck the stuff on medication and make sure they stuck all the right warnings on. In 26 languages, 23 of which I do not speak, 5 of which I cannot even read. And for some reason I also coordinate the translations being done with a bunch of translation studios who all hate our company because we sue everyone who steps out of line, but work with us because we constantly have huge projects worth thousands of €.

If you measure my workload by tasks that actually have something to do with my job description, I have about 2 hours worth of work a day. If you add on all the regulatory routine checks, unscheduled audits, triple-file paperwork, documentation, negotiating between departments that work about as well together as bears with a toothache, meetings, meetings about meetings, change control, QA, general squabbling and trying to find somebody to sign for my bloody paperwork across six buildings, I have about 12 hours worth of work each day.

I'm on Reddit a few minutes each hour just to distract myself from wanting to launch my coworkers into low orbit.

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