What's the worst date you've ever been on?

I'm probably way too late to the party, but my story is too good not to share. First, I want to point out that under normal circumstances, I would not consider this evening a "date," except for the fact that he explicitly asked me, "Would you like to go on a date with me?" and this is the night that followed.

So I go on this "date" with my coworker (I mean, I was 17 and worked at McDonald's so whatever). The main reason I accepted is because I was really into creative writing, and he told me he was a writer. Well, before the date he brings me a manuscript he's been working on that he's trying to get published. This manuscript turns out to be the worst fucking thing I've ever read. I was cringing so hard as I read it. He proceeds to tell me that the manuscript he showed me is based on Halo 2, and he wants to have it adapted as a film. WTF. I don't remember much about the story, but it's important to know that the main character in this guy's story was an assassin who wore a hooded cape/jacket covered the top half of his face.

So I'm a bit disappointed at this point, but I figure just because he isn't good at writing doesn't mean we don't have potential as a couple, so I get into the car with him. Keep in mind at this point I have no idea where we were going... we decided to head to a nearby city and then choose a restaurant once we got there.

So he asks me if I'm ok with us stopping to get his cousin a birthday gift before we go out. I tell him it's fine, and we end up going to Rue 21. About 5 minutes in, he finds a T-shirt for his cousin, and so I'm expecting us to leave soon. However, he tells me while he's there, he wanted to shop around for himself. Motherfucker spends 30 minutes looking for a jacket that covers the top half of his face. He wants to look like the character from his manuscript.

At this point I really wanted to leave, and I kept trying to convince my friends to call me and pretend to be my parents and tell me I had to go home because of a family emergency or something. But my friends either don't respond in time or are assholes about it and tell me to just stick it out.

So once we leave the store, he asks me where I want to go. I name like 4 of my favorite restaurants in this city, and he rejects each one. About that time, we passed a Walmart. I was getting annoyed, so I sarcastically suggested we eat at the Subway in Walmart. Guess what? This motherfucker agrees.

So after we get our food, he sits down and starts talking about how every night he dreams he's fighting demons. He knows these dreams are actually happening, because he wakes up every morning with bite marks on his shoulder. Then, on the way home, his friend calls, and they decide they're going to some sort of energy-detecting machine to a local haunted house so that they can talk to ghosts.

I WTF'd so hard that I was incredibly bitchy to him the remainder of our work days together, because I wanted him to know that his actions made me hate him.

Also, he didn't even pay for my sandwich.

/r/AskReddit Thread