What's the worst thing a doctor has ever said to you? [Serious] [NSFW]

It wasn't the worst but definitely not the best. I have a benign tumor that sits on my left optic nerve. Every once in a while and a bad cold, the growth becomes inflamed and my eye basically shuts down for a while.

So after one of these bouts started happening and it was clearing up, my left eye was not sitting properly. I head into the optometrist for the normal check ups to make sure there is nothing worse. He takes a look, goes "humm" and excuses himself. He comes back with a second doctor, who goes through the tests. I shit you not, the second doctor yells out into the hallway to a third doctor to come and take a look at this. When all said and done, 5 doctors came in as if it were straight from a sitcom. I'm laughing at this point.

Fortunately, nothing terrible. It was just a bit of a worse case and my eye was taking it's time to settle back into place. But I guess the amount my eyes were offset was alarming to them.

/r/AskReddit Thread