The Wheel of Time film-rights has been in Universal Studios' possession for 7 years now.

I think you're kind of missing the point he was making. WoT is a world dominated by women, much the same way our world is dominated by men. Women, in WoT, have been the dominant gender for thousands of years. (No sexism/patriarchy stuff here. It's a fact that men have been in most of the leadership positions for thousands of years.)

The "nagging shrew" template isn't lazy/bad writing, it's brilliantly attuned to the world he created because women hold all the power.

Instead of Eve with the Apple, it's Lews Therin (and his exclusively male Companions) challenging The Dark One and tainting half of the True Source as a result. The world is almost destroyed by men with too much power. The White Tower is the female-only version of the Catholic Church. Far Madding and Andor are legally limited to female rulers. In Ebou Dar, a woman can kill a man without cause and nobody bats an eye. The Wise Ones run the show in the Waste, the Ayyad rule the roost in Shara, and there have been so many consecutive generations of Empress in Seanchan that it's believed a male on the throne is a terrible omen.

The closest we come to seeing men in power are the Whitecloaks, and they're corrupt from the ground up. Even when they're not openly evil, the Whitecloaks are sadists, bullies, & completely ignorant of basic human rights. The one Whitecloak who openly acknowledges the problems in his organization still intends to turn two people, practically children, over for torture regardless.

After 3,000 years of living under the belief that women are either completely superior to, or at best equal to men, why wouldn't women be domineering and/or dismissive of men? History shows us it's totally possible in reverse. Hell, the US granted women the universal right to vote less than a hundred years ago.

When you put it into perspective, nagging shrew starts to make a whole lot of sense.

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