When Bubba doesn't move after he hooks you

Where did how someone dress come into this? The joke was about the face she makes, which in itself looks like she's joking or playing up the situation for the camera. Maybe she really doesn't like cats but honestly it doesn't seem like she legitimately doesn't. As you said, she doesn't seem to push the cat away of anything.

I called everyone thirsty because I came back to this joke comment to see 11 downvotes and someone calling me an incel. If that isn't the attitude of a bunch of thirsty guys I don't really know what is. You can not like a joke, that's fine.

It wasn't meant to be this like ball busting hilarious joke, I'm not a comedian. Sure now I realize I probably should've put a "lol" in there just to certify that I wasn't serious. But wow you guys are just as toxic in a subreddit as you are in game. Idk what I expected

/r/deadbydaylight Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it