When can Cruz be Mathematically Eliminated?

You don't get how it works.

The establishment doesn't really give a fuck about what you think they give a fuck about. They will totally make a deal with Trump because making a deal with Trump is the best option for them right now.

brokered convention fiasco

You are arguing against yourself with this line. A brokered convention hurts the Establishment more than it hurts Trump. If they steal the election from Trump, do you know what happens? Trump is still a billionaire with a super model wife. Most of the establishment ceases to exist. They can't hurt Trump, but he can hurt them.

Cruz is VP, Cruz gives his pledged delegates to Trump.

Impossible. Trump can't walk back from all the "Lyin' Ted" stuff. At least not enough to make Cruz the VP. Also, Cruz has no one in power backing him because they all think he's an asshole.

Cruz is the only human on the planet that can offer Trump the guaranteed nomination long before the convention.

You give Cruz too much credit. The establishment can bribe Marco and Kasich to come off their delegates easily. Even if Kasich doesn't earn a single additional delegate, they will have enough to guarantee Trump's victory assuming the projections are correct.

You think Trump wants to continue primary campaigning and spending money with 1237 hanging over his head?

Yeah, sure. Why not? He doesn't spend much money and his future and legacy aren't hinging on this election. What's the worst thing that happens if he keeps going, even if he loses? He gets a bunch of publicity and goes home to bang his wife. Fuck it.

Plus, we need support of Cruzbot voters.

Nah. The Cruzbots are a bunch of Evangelicals, Pentecostals, and Mormons. Those people are the Republicans' useful idiots. They vote for whoever they are supposed to because "God" (i.e. religious leaders in the pocket of the GOP) told them to. The Rubio and Kasich voters are much more problematic, but (as mentioned above) those two are easily bribed.

They hate Trump more than we hate Cruz right now.

You are projecting. Most people don't get very emotional about politics.

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