The first monetized Dota 2 Custom Game uses stolen content from other creators and Blizzard

and this was never even alluded to.

Because threads about the workshop and custom games don't go to the frontpage unless they're one super high quality self-promotion posts. I only saw two fully fledge custom game discussion threads in my time there myself: Overthrow best heroes discussion, week 1 of release; Element TD strategy discussion, day 2 of release, loads of people spreading strategies and being validated when they won easiest difficulties only; Hardcore Ninja, the day after a Sing Sing spent 5 hours playing it and oddshots were all over the frontpage.

In other words, they actually don't play custom games and give literally 0 shits about custom games. Content theft would be considered a non-issue when no one gained anything from it, and would be met with dismissal and lack of care. And thus there was no reason to make threads about this there before all of this mod pass stuff happened.

And will keep giving no shits until Custom Games get replays you can showcase on funny moment montages because easily linked content is the only way to bring stuff into their collective attention. I bet they can't even say how many maps Overthrow and Haunted Coliseum have, without checking. Despite Valve announcing the changes in three different places.

Welcome to big subreddits. You're watching through a filtered view, and your issues are those that get brought up, memes in forms that don't fit his medium don't exist, and the bugfixes must obviously be the ones you saw in the frontpage yesterday, and yours alone. You'll get used to it, this sub is no stranger to the concept as well.

Also /r/Dota2 had threads on workshop artists stealing off each other. But it was for T-shirt design thieves, and there was a LOT of them and the merch workshop was brand new... Just like this deal is. No one will find it easy to bring this to attention in several months from now.

/r/Games Thread Parent Link -