When to not use operator-overloading?

Overloading via a Haskell type class enables bounded polymorphism over the instance types. For example

(+) :: Num a => a → a → a is polymorphic, but bounded over types a with a Num instance.

So one answer could be: use operator overloading, when you want to write code, which abstracts over the operator in a type safe way. For example:

dot :: Num a => (a, a) → a
dot (x, y) = x*x + y*y

However there are alternatives to be argued about, e.g. one may prefer to pass explicit arguments instead of implicit type class dictionaries:

dot :: (a→a) → (a→a) → (a, a) → a
dot (+) (*) (x,y) = x*x + y*y

For considering why the Prelude (+) is not defined for String, you can look at the Num type class:

class Num a where
  (+), (-), (*)       :: a -> a -> a
  negate              :: a -> a
  abs                 :: a -> a
  signum              :: a -> a
  fromInteger         :: Integer -> a

Although, it's not clear from documentation, I think a Num type is supposed to be a ring with some extra properties. There is some discussion about Num on stack overflow.

However, the Monoid type class has the correct structure:

class Monoid m where
  mappend :: m → m → m   -- Has to be associative.
  mempty :: m            -- Has to be neutral to mappend.

(<>) = mappend

For example, "foo" <> "bar" evaluates to "foobar" and "foo" <> mempty evaluates to "foo".

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