When is a planets decoration generated, the answer is inside.

Ok, now try to not get mad or rage, I'm going to take your post and step through what you said and point out the errors, that "I" think are there and also the points I agree with. I'm sure your a good person too, don't take it personally.


(Remember this is only what I think, (it could be wrong).)


NMS is procedurally generated -- the entire universe exists as it is whether anyone visits anything or not because the entire universe is a math problem.  



For every pixel's X-Y-Z coordinate the math is done if you go to that location and the graphics generated and displayed. 



When you move to next location the math is done again and new graphics displayed as all the rest tossed from RAM 

Graphics are not stored in Random Access Memory. What you referred to as "graphics" are actually batches of vertices that are generated on the CPU and sent directly to the graphics pipeline to be rendered on the screen, but that's beside the point,you really didn't need to explain that.


It is generated when you go there the same as it will be for the next person to go to that spot.  



The entire universe exists the same before and after you -- whether it was generated and displayed to you or not is irrelevant because all the functions are written and the input is always the same. 



When he says "The planets are generated" he means the math is done and resulting graphics rendered. 

Who? Not sure what you are referring to here.


the results are always the same regardless whether you get there 1st or 400th or o one ever goes there. That's why they don't have to save anything. Math 


I would agree with you here I thought that too, that is exactly how I understood it before I saw this video. But its a lot more complicated than that, I am trying to interpret the information from the video I have and its very conflicting towards this idea.

I agree with almost everything you said and you did not tell me anything I don't already know.

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