M/25/6'3" (215--->205= 10lbs lost) ~1 month. Its not the most drastic change, but im still proud of the drive ive had so i wanted to share. I was starting to get stoner fat...

well let me preface this by saying this: im not a professional at all and also realize there are multiple other exercises, techniques, whatever to improve gains. i have just found something that works for me, i enjoy doing it. i say this because it seems like everything i read about working out has 15 different people butting heads saying this that and the other would be better. That being said....:

I always start with cardio, 20-30 min on whatever you hate the least, bike, treadmill, elliptical (my personal fav). I know a lot of people say cardios not necessary for lifting or its pointless. Well i look at it like 1 step back and two steps forward. Yeah you lose a tiny bit of muscle but the calories. overall endurance and toned look make it worth it. I dont care about benching 8000lbs, i just wanna be fit and look good doing it.

upper body:

Barbell bench: 3 sets of 8 (med weight) or 4 sets of 5 (high weight) wide grip pull up: 3 set bodyweight as many reps as i can do or if you have an assist machine 3 sets of 8.

*optional/additional seated bar pull down machine: 3 sets of 10 (find a weight where you start to struggle on the 10th(ish) rep of the first set

bent over rows:3 sets of 8

Standing dumbbell shoulder lift: (i use 10lbs to start) 3 sets of 20 10 reps arms straight to the side and 10 reps arms in front.

standing dumbbell should press: (i use 15lbs to start) 2 sets of 10

incline bench or flyes: 3 sets of 10

Tricep pulldown or dip: 3 sets of 10

with biceps i really like doing a pyramid set. start with 20lbs in each arm and do 8 reps. immediately pick up 25lbs and repeat, then 30lbs until you cant hit 8 reps. then go back down trying to get to 8 reps with each weight until you get to 10lbs.

then i follow that with a standing 2 arm curl 3 sets of 8.

i apologize if the exercise names arent spot on, i guessed the names on some haha. but yeah i mess around with the weight, sets and reps sometimes to lift for strength or mass, but thats the basic jist of it! let me know if you have any questions.

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