Why Get Married? (Part 2: Definition & Historical Context)

The marriage system has broken down, thus the foundation it provides is no weak. This is why marriage is cautioned against in TRP. While it is still the best option for raising children, the mechanisms that are necessary to mitigate the risks no longer exist in our society. The proper statement would "laws are one of many reasons marriage is CURRENTLY failing as an institution."

i used quotations on insurance because the word is a loose analogy for what the laws and social pressures present in historical marriage were. Nothing will ever be a 100% guarantee so i use insurance, since it functions as a way to mitigate the risks. the analogy does not fit perfectly since you aren't really passing that risk off to someone else, hence the "" marks. Yet again, the system has broken down and the current laws have removed the necessary protections that make the system function. So the proper statement here is "the CURRENT laws don't function"

The 80/20 rule is general TRP knowledge. Women would rather share an alpha than be with a beta. Keep in mind that "beta" in the grand sense equates to bottom 80%. There is more information on this in the sidebar if you want to read about it in detail.

As far as your comment about failing from every rational and measurable angle goes. If you do not have a better system then your statement is patently false. There is no utopia on earth, no perfect system, and no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Mankind must find and utilize the best options he can find. Every system mankind is capable of implementing, he is also capable of destroying so pointing out that marriage has a weakness in the form that if people decide en masse to destroy it does not invalidate the system as a whole. Oddly enough, the success of our marital structure and other social conventions are what has separated the west from the rest of this shitty planet for a few centuries, and the result of that success is that we are now desperately trying to destroy everything that brought us to where we are.

/r/TheRedPill Thread