Where is the most normal place you have encountered a celebrity?

I saw a celebrity trip on a parking curb in a generic shopping center in Malibu California when I worked there.

It was the first celebrity I ever thought about approaching that was not interacting with me first, as normally I only met who came to my venue. Then they tripped, on one of those curb bits on the ground to mark tbe end of a parking spot for tires, and I didn't want them to know I knew. So I just turned away. It woulda been really cool, but can't embarass a dude.

There were a bunch of famous people that came to my work organically, but the awesome one was Gary Busey. Not the most famous, sorry Gary, he was just the best visitor. He ised to come in already telling a joke like (opens door) "stop me if you've heard this one".... just awesome. Nick Nolte used to come to my work a lot, like a half dozen times while I was there, and he is one of the 3 actors I would flip over that I never met. I missed him every time.

The three actors are Nick Nolte, Steve Buscemi, and William H Macy.

Nick Nolte was in Cannery Row. Yeah, you didn't know he was so handsome, did you? I loved him in Breakfast of Champions.

Anywho a ton of famous people visited my work and they're absolutely all super nice, except for one actress I think we've all forgotten anyways. I mean I literally can't remember her name. 90s stuff. But I've seen mean stories about them (other actors) and I was kinda like their local shop, which you don't prep to go to, so if they were nice to us they must be nice.

The moral of the story is everyone everywhere is nice and don't quit until you meet Nick Nolte.

/r/AskReddit Thread