Where is Sean? Is NMS dead?

If my refund works out fine, I am out of this game. I followed it for like 2 years and I know they really work on some updates. But just seeing the modding community making huge improvements within some days and weeks - it's a huge let down that HG can't do it in the same time. I really tried to wait this out but I gave in yesterday. I sat there with really good friends and we watched all the "Sean lied" yt-videos and I just felt stupid to admit that I actually bought this game for 60€. I am definitely not one of those haters and never was. I still think this game will always be remembered as "this one game, that made games even bigger than ever before". But that's it. After 60hrs ingame I gave in - gave up. Fuck it, I though - it's just another game and I need to move on. For 60€ I can buy like 3-4 really, really good indie games and help other devs to make their cut. I hope Steam will give me my money back. I will not play this game in like one year again - maybe. If there are some REALLY good updates. Won't buy any DLC if they ever think to make me pay for a DLC. It would be the worst for me.

Yeah - my 2 cents. NMS feels like a huge let down for me - and I say this as a hardcore fan from the beginning.

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread