Which BL season 2 is better than the 1st season? I can't find any.

Anyway. Since you are bored of TMS... Dark Blue Kiss, We Best Love: Fighting Mr 2nd.

Below I will also rave about TMS2 cause I won't miss that chance lol.

To My Star 2.. Easily leagues better than the first part. I cried my heart out. I have mentioned this before and will never stop I guess... As somebody who struggles with mental health issues, that show is so realistic.

I have acted exactly like JiWoo IRL so while watching the show, I had a lot of jealousy/frustration to deal with because in real life, of course I messed up and didn't get the second chance. But the show was so realistic that even till the end, I wasn't sure if they would have a happy ending..

I have cried, like proper loud cries in between the episodes lol. Very cathartic for me. Also, the glass breaking trigger for SeoJoon- anybody with panic attacks will attest to how realistic it was. Most people don't even notice when it is happening. So, I totally get SeoJoon's affection for JiWoo - he helped so much lol.

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