Which game has been biggest disappointment 2016 ?

You're right. That is too bad that you paid $60 for a broken game. Which has NEVER happened in the gaming industry. Which is why some people say NEVER pre-order. Which you did.

I waited for reviews. I hated Mafia 1 & 2 so I didn't want to get 3 but it sounded like it had a good story. So I waited for reviews.

And no. What I said isn't "ruining the gaming industry" this happens with every fucking multi console release! Has an NBA 2K game ever EVER ran good on release on PC? Has any fighting game EVER ran good on release? Has almost any racing game EVER ran good on release?

Unless the company specializes in making games for PC, it's never a smooth release. And let's see who developed Mafia 3.. hmm looks like 2K did! They only game 2K has successfully released on PC was Borderlands 2. Other than that. Just like WB Games, they have a terrible track record with PC. Yet a great track record with console.

And get over yourself you PC elitist! I own every system and console there is! Sorry your game can't run at 60fps! Boo hoo, I'm sure all the console players playing at low graphics are crying because people on PC can't run it at the highest settings.. just kidding. People on console can actually play the game and enjoy it even for being sub par at best. Consoles are like "Ol faithful." Because if it can't run well on a PC, chances are it'll run great on a console.

Your just being salty on a comment thread. Because you pressed the "Pre Order for $59.99" button on Steam. It's nobody's fault but your own that you lost $60. Is it 2Ks fault the game doesn't work? Yeah. But you didn't wait for reviews like me to see people like you pissed that you bought this game.

So thank you! I don't think I'll buy this game. You just saved me $60.

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