Which is smarter in the long run: paying larger payments on my student loans or saving for a down payment?

Each year, you can get the three reports for free at: https://www.annualcreditreport.com/gettingReports.action

Get the paper reports. The website is very unreliable.

You can review those and you should, but you can also use free services such as CreditKarma.com and Credit.com to monitor your credit reports.

Those services can also be good for other services and recommendations. Using these services does not impact your credit, but you need to provide them with your personal information to authorize them to get your credit reports on your behalf.

In case you never did it before, when you apply for such things, you get challenge questions which ask you questions about financial matters that you may or may not have.

If they give you a list of loans or products with various banks and ask which if any are yours, that is just a challenge. Sometimes, "none of the above" is the answer. They are not saying you do or do not have those products.

(Tons of people get confused about those challenges.)

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