Which stranger who you met once and never saw again is the one that you still think about and can't forget?

Technically this answer fits the question, so I'll go for it anyways.

Summer of 2012 I met someone my age (17) on Reddit. Big deal, right? Well we were both Colombian; he lived in there though and I in the US. We had a lot of things in common and after many Reddit messages, Skype video chats, and Kik chats later, I thought I was in love with him. I confessed my feelings to him and he admitted he liked me back! Here's where the crazy part comes in: we decided to meet in person.

He was in the US for the summer staying with family and I somehow convinced my parents I needed to go shopping in the city he was in. Everything went off without a hitch. Once we got to the huge mall, I ditched my parents, saying I was shopping for "girl stuff" and so they went to the department stores. I texted him saying I was by Pac Sun and he texted back that he was by there too. Seeing him for the first time is something I'll never forget. It's weird seeing someone in so dimensional form for so long that I guess your brain never processes that they are actually real. We hung out for a few hours, went and watched some horror movie in the mall, and ended up kissing. It was awesome to 17 year old me. I even tried to use tongue, which freaked him out a little, lol. We said bye on the promise that we'd see each other one day again.

Obviously that never happened. We were young and the long distance thing didn't work out. We eventually lost contact and I haven't searched for him since. I've sinced moved on and am now in a great relationship of almost 3 years! Even after all this time, I'll still have a random thought about him every once in a while.

/r/AskReddit Thread