Which will happen first?

Sure, right after sorc’s iframes. Or instead of crying nerf every class bit mine, we demand they just fix what os broken in others. Since you guys want out strength and defense removed. We should get your iframe (sorc), a warriors power and ability to move like a musa while in a 360 degree block, or a witch/wiz aoe nuke. Or instead of crying like a little kid about a classes strengths, you actually get good at yours snd learn to play around her strengths to exploit he weaknesses. All I hear from you nerf guardian kids is, “wah, I’m bas, break this class so I can win and not learn my class”.

Dark Knights are really one of the only classes that have a right to bitch. They were a highly mobile glass cannon, Kakao took away their mobility and their cannon. A DK has to down mana pots non stop just to do half what every other class can do without a single mana or health pot. Oh, not to mention all the gaps in their iframes (shortest in game) and all the gaps or shields that were just removed from the squishiest class in the game.

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