White man with Asian girlfriend gets bullied/threatened on the Taiwan Metro...never seen such a bigot (NSFW)

I was going to reply to the comment you replied to, but the last bit of your comment seemed very relevant to my experience as well. I spent over half of my life in Germany, mostly in areas within an hour of a US military base. By the time I was I old enough to go to bars and socialize I could understand German to the point where I may not know every word, but I could grab the meaning of the sentence. This of course meant my response was not always perfect.

As /u/SchmulyWormberg there are reasons a local may pick a foreigner, for many different reasons. In Germany, it was for discounted tobacco, alcohol, cheaper gasoline, and to enjoy the other benefits of Americans living there or even (in extreme cases) to move to the USA on the military's dime, or just to have the child of a soldier for benefits (not very common). As /u/SchmulyWormberg mentioned, this leads to a bit of resentment by some of the locals. For the most part, the Germans just wanted to have a good time, party, get drunk, but a few times we would have some one act just like the man in the video.

I think another part of this is due to, as you mentioned, foreigners not assimilating. This may due to my experience with soldiers, where they spent maybe a few years in country and it was not considered valuable to learn the language. Of course learning the language of the country you are in will greatly improve your time in a country, you get a better understanding of the country's culture and people just by learning the language, but many saw it as an assignment for a little while, and never bothered. This is especially true for those who only left the base to go to the bar. This also caused an upset with a few of the locals, mainly some of the drunks at the bars. With that said I knew many people who were dual nationality, or married a local national, or just decided to retire there.

Long story short is that everyone, no matter their country, race, religion, or culture, is their own person. Every country or other group of people have their own dickbags, and they do not represent the rest of the group.

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