Who browses TiA and why does it appeal to you?

Who the hell is in this thread downvoting people for no reason?

Anyway. I'm the classic oppressor; cishet white male, normal-to-thin body, egalitarian, agnostic. But the thing is, I'm poor as hell, I struggle with bipolar 2, mainly severe depression, less hypomania, and OCD on daily basis. Panic attacks have happened to me. Who the hell knows what else doctors will discover in the future, the diagnosis isn't complete.

I was raised in an alcoholic family and I have seen a criminal minority (Romani) in action, destroying what little there was left of said family, resulting in my little brother changing custody to my aunt. I have lived with myself from 16 years old, and later I have found my SO for 6 years.

So, I fucking hate the SJW mentality. I'm the worst person in the world, right next to rapists and murderers, because of my skin color, culture, sexuality and body type. Meanwhile, these fuckers are blocking like it would go out of style, about how oppressed they are. Usually wealthy (class privilege is the one true privilege there is), everything is going too well, so they have to find a "good fight" as they have nothing better to do.

They make up mental illnesses and carry them like tokens. They say that racial minorities can do NO wrong. They perform every mental gymnastic move in the book to justify their hateful and entitled attitude.

So, yeah, um. Why I go to TiA then? I don't actually know, probably for the community, to see that there are still sane people even after exposed to this cult mentality. People who don't give into the narrative. Hell, just normal, laid back people.

The posts themselves often make me more depressed, some make me laugh, so there is probably a little mental sadomasochist there somewhere too.

/r/TiADiscussion Thread