Who is the most famous person you've met in your life?

I was Obama's waiter at small event of about 15 people. This was about a month before he ran for president and he didn't yet have secret service. Annie Leibowitz was photographing the event, so I'm fairly certain there's a Leibowitz B-roll pic of me and the president.

Another time I was at a De La Soul concert and crowd surfed on stage just as they were finishing their set. I ended up backstage and found Dave Chapelle sitting by himself. He made fun of me for being high, I made fun of him for same, then we hugged and laughed for a minute before I left him alone and moved on.

Once time, after happy hour, my friend and I were stumbling up a back street in DC when I saw a guy standing outside a hotel in a cowboy hat. He looked like Owen Wilson so I said, "Owen Wilson in a cowboy hat!" We fist bumped and I kept walking. I found out a few days later that he was filming wedding crashers in town, so that was almost certainly him.

The lead singer of MGMT made me an old fashioned once. Nice guy.

/r/AskReddit Thread