Who is the worst person you have been forced to work or hang out with?

I used to work constriction with my friend and roommate who liked to get high all the time. Most of the new guys who came on the job quit or were fired within a month. Enter Jimmy. Jimmy was a obese mexican dude with a tattooed hair edge on his forehead, came to work high as shit everyday off some synthetic weed, and ended up making friends with my roommate. Dude couldn't do shit as far as working was concerned and when ever he wasn't high he was complaining about the work or telling stories about other times he was high. I had recently been promoted to a group leader and was tasked with teaching all the new guys and getting stuff done with them. This guy made work a living hell. At the end of the day every day they sent most of us home except myself and the other hard workers to get a few extra hours in to make some extra money. My roommate was a welder and went home with all those new guys as well, so I'd get home a few hours later to find my friend/roommate high as shit with my subordinate jimmy high as shit as well. Every ducking day I had to deal with this annoying, ghetto motherfucker, for 12+ hours then come home to see him high as shit on my couch. Then one day he bolted out of our apartment down to his car and pulled out a gun. My roommate went down to see why he ran out and jimmy layer told us he thought my roommate was trying to kill him in his high state. I told jimmy he wasn't coming over anymore. Then a few days later a drug bust happens and my friend and jimmy get fired. Then I come home to find joy on my couch again, high as fuck so I take him out to our balcony (on the third floor) and threaten to throw him off. He's high as shit so he believes me so I pish him out the front door and throw him down the flight of stairs. Jimmy doesn't come around anymore, and I'm no longer friends with that roommate. Haven't seen either of them in two years. Fuck Jimmy.

/r/AskReddit Thread