Who was your first love?

This happened when I was twelve. One amazing girl from school. We hung out together, ate, played, and walked back home after school. We had everything in common, like same taste in music, she liked to dance, I liked to play guitar. We had the best common friends, and there not so much as a fight (because, who knew about boys fighting with girls before college), and that was the best non-committal relationship of my life. Then I moved to another school, and we didn't have a phone back then to exchange numbers, and that was it.

I missed her quite dearly for a while. She had the best smile, one that she used to look blankly, without expectation or judgement, into my eyes and grin like an idiot without blinking. She had a definitive way of saying the most complicated things, like, "Don't make me wait after school," or "If you want to copy my homework, buy me a Chocobar." Too straightforward and memorable. I carry these lines like grand sayings today.

I absolutely loved spending time with her. There were no songs to put this into words back then, and there are no songs written to put it in the right way now. I felt no rush of thousands of mice chasing butterflies in my stomach back then, and it's one of the few things that lift me on a bad day these days. I didn't know it was love back then. I know it is more than love now. This is getting awfully boring to write, and read, I know, but there are not many words that can encapsulate all my feelings for her today. I still don't know what it is. In my view, she was the purest form of love I experienced. I remember her smiling, hair still in the wind, goosebumps rising on both our skins, and both of us happy without any other thought in the world.

Nostalgia. Ow.

Thanks for the post OP. It was a nice question to random strangers and one of them is truly happy because of you. Cheers.

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