Windows 10 is spamming Chrome users with a Microsoft shopping app

There's a basic principle of computing: The division between "Local" and "Remote".

Think of local like your house, it's your refuge from the outside world, it's where you seek to relax at the end of the day away from all of society's capitalistic processes and take care of your stuff. You have only stuff you want inside your home and only make phonecalls or turn on the TV to bring in remote stuff when you want it brought in and you have control over what you bring in too. Likewise you feel secure that you are in control of who and what may enter your home and why, you may even reserve the right to inspect deliveries before accepting them on your front porch.

Now, imagine if you moved to a new house that you were told is just like your old one. However it was snuck into the deed by the property developer that you're now part of an HOA that has a group of authorized salesmen who have a key to your front door and may enter your home at any time without warning and put up advertisements on your walls. Those salesmen may also duplicate your key and give it to yet others. You're told afterwards this is optional and can opt out but the damage is already done, your private space has been violated and you feel you can't trust your home to be private and secure. You may even wonder what these people may be doing when you're not at home or watching them closely.

Such a contract would be deemed absurd in the physical world. The problem is that too many people turn off their brains and accept this simply because "this is on a computer" and therefore it's "different".

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