Winter 2015(almost 2016) Moderator applications

General Information item 1 Reddit name? *DrHoenybun

*item 2How old is your Reddit account? This will be my 4th year, so 3 currently.

*item 3What languages can you speak? English, and whatever google translate.

*item 4How old are you? 21

*item 5How long have you been playing league? Since Season 1

*item 6What is/are your Summoner Name(s), including alternate accounts? Xerrio, is my main account. I have C077x but I don't play on him enough.

*item 7What server do you play on? North America

*item 8What country do you live in, and what is your time zone? East Coast US.

Moderator Related Questions *item 1Have you ever moderated a subreddit before? No, hopefully, this will be my first.

*item 2What makes you believe you are suitable to become a moderator? I have a lot of free time, I scroll this subreddit hourly, and really try to help when I feel like I can.

*item 3How good would you rate your communication skills on a scale from 1 - 10? Solid 7.

*item 4How important do you believe a person league rank is when answering a question on the subreddit, on a scale from 1 - 10? Provide us with the reasoning behind your answer. 7, I believe that rank matters to a point and varies to the topic at hand. When talking about playing and gaining rank ups, you want someone with a higher league rank and not someone in bronze. While someone in Bronze might really be helpful insight on champions kit / tips and tricks with them. I fell like everyone has something to offer.

*item 5Which contribution to this subreddit(comment, post, video, guide, you name it) do you feel the proudest/most satisfied with? This Post and This One I feel like these two posts that I put a lot of time into with research, and explaining.

*item 6Are you comfortable using any sort of voice communication? (Teamspeak, Mumble, Ventrilo, Skype etc.) Pretty Good, I use them often almost daily.

*item 7Rate your navigation skills(find things) on /r/SummonerSchool on a scale from 1 - 10(The higher number the better) 8, it still takes some time but I think I'm pretty great with.

*item 8Do you have any experience with AutoModerator, CSS, HTML, or image/video editing like skills? I have some basic CSS / HTML.

*item 9Do you bring any other skills or assets to the table? I have a lot of time on my hands, which means I spend more time on here. As well as I think that I can offer a lot of help in enforcing rules, and generally helping around the subreddit.

*item 10If a zombie apocalypse broke out and you only had time to bring one item from your house with you before you fled town, what would it be and why? Real-wise I would bring my phone. Just out of habit, and it has it uses for like .... a couple of hours right? After that... It can be used .. for something?

*item 11There's a top post on the subreddit that obviously goes against the posting guideline. What do you do? Inform the maker that it was removed for breaking rules, and remove the post.

*item 12Describe yourself with 3 words: Loyal, Kind Hearted, and Charismatic.

*item 13If there is one thing you would change about the sub, what would it be? Honestly, I feel like the sub is really strong but I think a common problem is how many like topic reach the top part. Guides, and Mega Threads. I think it would be nice to implement a resource that has all these guides in one local, after they are submitted. Like have them post as well as megathread or on the wiki.

/r/summonerschool Thread