[WP] All drugs are legal and sobriety is frowned upon, you've been sober for one year today, you walk into your apartment, only to find an intervention waiting for you.

int. car Jesse is riding home, all dolled up in a suit or a blue shirt with a tie. Clean and proper, listening to Mozart.  ext. outside house Jesse walks to his house, still whistling Mozart. He opens his door. INT. house, crack house! Jesse enters the house and sees a number of crackheads all sitting in a circle in his living room. Let's say there is four, 3 male, TDOG, AJ, and SPARKS, 1 female, BABYGIRL, and a drug dealer, TODD. Male 1 stands up and gestures Jesse to sit down. Tdog Why don't you take a seat Jesse. jesse What are you guys doing here? drug dealer Your friends contacted me Jesse. They're concerned for your well being. This is an intervention. Please have a seat. JESSE This is crazy! You're a drug dealer- DRUG DEALER -who cares about his clients! Please, they asked me to come and help. Have a seat and here them out. Jesse sits down. AJ stands up. Aj Sup Jesse. JESSE Sup AJ. AJ AJ pulls out a sheet of paper. Jesse: lately you have been leaving your friends behind. It's been two months since you shot up once. Two months! I've been counting. You changed. For the worst. You started wearing fancy pants, fancy shirts, ties, and y'all even brushing your teeth. Everyone sneers. I feel like you should be shooting up at LEAST once a week. Respect.  AJ sits down. Everyone claps. BABYGIRL stands up.  babygirl Member that time you said you'd have my baby? How we supposed to do that if you ain't doin' drugs? If you ain't even home? JESSE I'm bringing home money, I'm working, what does me doing drugs effect the baby? BABYGIRL We gotta both be doin' it or it'll be retarded! Two wrongs making rights, y'all know that fact! It's a fact!

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