With the Steam Summer sale coming, don't support Take Two, Rockstar and 2K for them shutting down Open IV

I still have no idea what they did.

I'll be blunt - I'm generally inclined to support this kinda thing, but I'm now past OP and a ways into the comments, and I still have no clear-cut tl;dr on WTF this is all about. And...well, dang, I have to admit. That's often a flag that it's morally-grey-at-best with this kinda thing.

I mean. I grew up with the SCO vs Linux thing, and Napster, and Metallica being dickbags, and shit. I've got some thoughts on IP rights, and they're kinda nuanced. It's a complex issue (even moreso, I've realized, as I've grown up. But here's the tl;dr: People like me are the ones with cash to burn, who buy WAY more games than they play on Steam, especially during sales. So. Gotta step your fucking propaganda game up a bit, son, ya wanna keep me from buying a shiny on the cheap during the Summer sale.

I mean, there's definitely some dickbags in the industry when it comes to IP, but...I haven't seen shit in this thread yet that makes me want to count these guys among them. Or not. Either way, I'm like...even as I'm writing this, I'm going down deeper into the comments. I've still got zilch fucking clue what, exactly, OP is bitching about. I mean, it's entirely possible I'm on their side, or could be, but...fuck if I know. Meanwhile, Imma buy every game that looks interesting, IDGAF who made it, unless it's Ubi, because they're straight-up evil.

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