Without seeming too 'Rogan Watch'-y, do you feel Rogan needs to address Onnit questions?

Never bought a thing from Onnit, I'm arm-chair critical about the findings of the "studies" based on my few years working with stats in public health, and I listen a couple times a week for entertainment at work. I consider myself fairly neutral, so...

Who cares what other people are spending their money on or how influential he supposedly is? He's not selling poison pills that are making people sick or killing them (that I know of). The information is readily available through searches if someone is really concerned before they buy. If someone's putting Rogan up on such a pedestal that they're willing to keep purchasing an elective product that they're not getting any benefit solely based on his influence then some "detractors" on the internet aren't going to convince them anyway... so why waste time worrying about taking him to task?

Sometimes I'll eat some low-cal frozen yogurt that exclaims, "Tastes just like ice cream!" guess what? It doesn't, but it's enjoyable enough for me to buy it every once in a while without writing letters to the CEO asking when he's finally going to admit that his "blind taste test" was fundamentally flawed because there's no way his shit tastes like the real thing.

I'm no brainiac or stat-master but even with my limited stats coursework and job I can listen to Joe or Aubry talk about "statistical significance" etc and it just feels like they're out of their depth (as am I when real statisticians start talking). It's not out of the realm of possibility that they're just parroting shit they don't full understand--which is whatever.

One thing the guys at RoganWatch aren't bringing up (at least I don't think) is that if, in fact, Onnit paid for or influenced this study to be faked or biased then they need to get their money back.

/r/JoeRogan Thread Parent