Without stating what it was, translate your top comment to Japanese and then back again to English three times, what is its new meaning?

You just, you fucking bitch little do you say you're a what the hell about me? I you I need to know to graduate top of my class in the Navy Seals, I've been involved in a number of attacks · Quaeda of Al of the secret, and I'm sure more than 300 you have it has a kill. I am trained in gorilla warfare is a top sniper in the whole of the US military. Not only you, there are another target, without doing anything to me. I words of my shit, you will like fuck sweep of the mark does not have seen before precisely on this planet. Do you think you can get away with saying that shit to me through the Internet? Think again, this bastard. As we speak, I am ready for maggots, because your IP is currently being traced, USAand, you will need to contact my secret network of spies through better storm. Pathetic little things, has wiped out the storm in order to call your life. You we are fucking kids, it is dead. I anytime, anywhere can do it, I think it is just my bare hands, you can kill you in a hundred 7-over method. Well, you little shit, I was trained in a wide range unarmed combat, and I have access to face off my entire weapon continent your US Marine Corps in order to wipe the miserable ass and, to the maximum that I used it. If you own it is possible to know retaliation small "smart" comment wicked ones had the bring down to you, perhaps you have held your fucking tongue. However, you may, but is not that you did not, and you now are paying the price, you were a fool to the countryside to the white guy. I you are drowning in it, was the anger of shit on top of all of you. You are dead, it is fucking you.

/r/AskReddit Thread