I witnessed an ICBC accident but they were being dickheads to me, do I have to help them?

You know how angry you felt being called a terrorist? You are doing the exact same thing to everyone who disagrees with you here.

ah didn't realize I was using racial remarks, wait I'm not?

For fuck's sake, you were telling people to kill themselves

people? a person who made a dumb comment who honestly deserves to off himself if he's making dumb comments like that

You need to step back and check yourself. All of the smartass comments, the insistence of exacting revenge, the schoolyard insults...that's not how capable adults naviagate the world.

I mean yeah I guess I see your point and I obviously wasn't very mature through this process but I honestly don't really care, these assholes ruined my night so I'm happy to ruin their year.

Hopefully some day you'll reflect on this post and learn a little humility. You were wronged. That isn't an excuse for terrible behaviour. If anything, you are making your situation worse.

Yes I understand that but nobody acts rational in these types of situations, if you're called a racist remark by someone then you should do everything you can to destroy their life. I can't do much except make them lose their claim and have to pay, and I'm currently planning on it.

/r/vancouver Thread Parent