Woman steals dog, owner tries to stop her

Absolutely this. I was pissed even hearing him say that. Who knows if they have a weapon or a syringe on them. Who knows what they’re even fighting for. You have about 3 seconds to interpret the situation and make an assessment. They don’t have the benefit of watching the news story for the context of what happened, after the fact, like we do.

If that’s me, I’m just continuing to walk. Without context why would I stop and interfere in someone’s business?

If I knew the person, or knew what the situation was, I’d probably of stopped and helped the lady. But passerby don’t get that benefit, not like us sitting here and watching the entire news segment for context.

10000$ says that news anchor does the exact same thing if he was in that situation. Probably would’ve pissed his Gucci slacks.

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