Brainwashed Trump cult members with fUcK bIdEn and tRuMp wOn signs. And these treasonous dumbfucks call themselves pAtRiOtS. Idiocracy was a documentary.

I don't get so signs that say f*** your body and that doesn't make you a patriot I don't like bidenI think he's a f****** idiot the guys dumber than dirt just to inform you patriotism is loving your country not your f****** government patriotism has nothing to do with the government I don't like Joe Biden and I love this country and I love the flag and I would die for it but I wouldn't die for my government has to do with the soldiers in the American flag right because you're starting to sound a little ignorant and judgmental because you can't separate the two the government has nothing to do with the flag f*** the government and Joe Biden but I respect and love the American flag to death and I love the armed forces but I hate the government there's a big difference between the two maybe you should look it up because like I said I would give my life for my country and my flag but I would not give it for any government official even the president because the armed forces fight for the flag because the presidents and everybody in the government too much of a b**** to fight one on one so they send a lot of the poor to go die but when they die they die for their country not their government that is what's wrong with you people you cannot separate the two you put the flag in the government in the same place they're not they are two separate things so next time you say something look it up because I am a patriot I love my country I love my flag I respect the armed forces Democrat Republican liberal it doesn't matter they're in the armed forces I love what they're doing and they are dying for their Country

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