Wonderful piece of advice on dating from Askreddit

Confidence is key though. Sure, being physically attractive helps but nothing beats confidence. I have a friend who thought just like you guys. He's not attractive in any noticable way, had quite a boring personality, wasn't very memorable. A couple of years ago he was diagnosed with depression and told us all that he was really lonely and just wanted a girlfriend. He went to a therapist and focused on improving himself and his depressive way of thinking. He once told me his biggest problem was thinking that women were repulsed by him and all thought he was a creeper. Anyway, fast forward a year or so and he's happy, with a girlfriend. He's like a new man. Confident, outgoing etc. It can be done, and anyone who says confidence isn't the main factor in attraction is lying. Looks can only go so far.

Think of it like this, someone is very attractive and their looks get the attention of a girl. Girl comes over and starts a conversation. Attractive guy doesn't know what to say, stumbles over his words, acts incredibly shy, makes odd comments and jokes because he's so anxious... This turns the girl off, regardless of what he look like. I've seen this countless times. On the other hand, we've got a not so attractive guy. He has to approach the girl. The girl might at first be disinterested. The guy presents himself as confident, outgoing, interesting and funny. He genuinely listens to what the girl says and has genuine conversation with her without his number 1 focus being getting into a relationship with her. This gets the girl interested, and she become attracted to his personality. His physical appearance then become much more appealing as a result.

It's not rocket science, guys. Pay attention and you'll witness it for yourself.

/r/ForeverAlone Thread Link - reddit.com