The words haven't been invented to describe this stupidity.

This post is the definition of racism. The Oxford English dictionary defines racism as "Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior:" and this piece of trash posting this video telling the world that she "don't care about white businesses being lit on fire" is clearly antagonistic towards white people. "I don't care about white people... I only care about black people..." Wow. really? Not at all prejudicial at all there. "Everyone in Baltimore please stay safe." Hey missy, didn't you forget to exclude whitey? Again?

RACIST. That's all she is.

I've rarely heard a more racist argument. I means seriously, give her a little Hitler mustachio and change it from white vs black to Germans vs Nazis and she'd fit right in. This is disgusting. Fuck the white man is the only thing this bitch says. Not things like "live together" or "lets be good to your fellow humans" or even just "fuck the police". Nope, just fuck whitey, burn down his businesses and fuck living in peace.

Martin Luther King would slap this bitch so fast. She's the kind of person he hated. He had peaceful protests to show the world that the problem was the police. He marched, peacefully, arm in arm with Caucasians, Asians, Hispanics, everybody that felt peace was good. In doing so, he showed the world the problem with the discriminatory laws of the day. Yet this dumb fuck wants violence, encouraging acts of destruction (but only against whitey! Leave the black businesses alone!) all while perverting his ideals to do so.

The man won the Nobel peace prize for not inducing a violent riot, time and again, but this flaming horses ass no doubt believes that he'd fully support a violent confrontation with police.

Mayonnaise... bitch please... calling white people mayo is like a white guy calling a black idiot like you a certain word that starts with "M"...


Oh and you can all go and report her video, and her channel, to YouTube for inciting violence. I did. Shit like this shouldn't be on the internet.

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