A world envisioned by the SJW

tl;dr... stormfront is troll central with edgy kids that seem to be there more for the fav bands,

other group's racists have largely been disbanded (allegations of sysops, heads pocketing funds as the sites never got their updates, attempts at a stormfront clone... tho, hoodlum still has a few shitty sites, but they all look like they're str8 outta 1998; mostly kiddies frontin'),

'sides other groups found a pocket space among sjw.

while the more radical of the radicals seem split between religious, new age, conspiracy theory, or even self help fronts.

its comical how many offer commercial ebooks and cafe press style merch. . .

still, they seem more self aware of how their views are perceived, so they ain't trollin' yt, they may link to forums but keep it inbound, when they do brigade... you have to give it to them, its with more finesse with mid range sites and forums than mainstream circlejerks... just arriving to add weight to the tipping point where their views are most likely to be supported.

So, it does really have the appearance of a raid -- and given the tone sounds more like media bait... than crap like the chans or kiwi.

you want to find real racists? join geneology sites, from dna to historical dumpster dives - its discrete but obvious with the most common theories being played out with polite questions, then you follow the primary haplogroups and the usual associated terms... and there, you'll find most of the old dogs and cats spread through standalone blogs and forums. anti-mestizos are the most plentiful, these days... and outside of politics, it all plays out as if pokemon or monster breeding... but crap defines grafting and animal husbandry... though one finds they'd be open to cousins, if the religious factions wouldn't protest it.

more on point, have you dealt with kids, many kids do appear more interested in the box... that's why it's so much entertainment for families to fill them with underwear and socks.

we could dismiss the older girls reaction pretty easily, but do we know anything about her level maturity? something to compare to?

the younger could pass more heavy scrutiny...

  • still, ultimately, whether the fronted or not, you want to debate it? then become familiar with what the doll test is really all about...

frankly, one sees more rage from the whackadoodle side of the sjw... but popular among separatists and segregation of all varieties..


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