Worried I won't be able to find a job after I graduate

An English teacher at my high school once told his students that the important thing is that you get a degree. As long as you have a degree, you'll have a much better shot at getting a job. I've found this to be true in my life. I'm 27 now, and I went the complete opposite of the route your dad wants you to take.

I graduated from a 4-year college with an experimental teaching style that didn't involve grades or majors. The entire time I was in college I never took a single test, my transcripts consist of pages and pages of essays my teachers wrote about my performance, and my course of education was entirely self directed. When I put a major or my resume (cause everyone wants to see that) I just put English literature since that's probably the closest to the truth.

Since graduation I've worked in finance, media representation, television, and digital marketing. I'm not going to claim I'm rich, or that I'm some massive success story, but I always use my own life as an example when people fret over possibly having chosen the "wrong" major because I've never had to take the dreaded McDonald's job that everyone always warned me about, and I'm genuinely happy with the course my life has taken thus far.

Good luck to you, and tell your dad to fuck off.

/r/jobs Thread