The worst kind of person

Farm animals eat plants that we could use to feed human beings.

Cool. I live in a mountainous area where I use cow and chicken manure to fertilize the small amount of area needed for our garden. Other than that, you aren't getting shit to grow here besides mesquite and cacti.

Also, those stats were for factory farming, not free range like what I do.

I walk everywhere.

The nearest gas station is half an hour away. We drive out of necessity. We have no physical address or lot number.

Who can afford new everything anyways?

You would be surprised and saddened.

As far as I see it, he's reducing factory farm support.

The entire point I've been trying to make. Grass-fed typically means no factory farming. Problem is, it's more expensive than grain-fed due to quality.

I never said I was better than you.

Never said you did. My original statement was about veganism as an institution selling some perceived ethical and moral superiority when really they barely do any better than most other people.

You keep bring this whole, "superiority" thing up.

Did so that last time to make sure you didn't assume that I was acting superior and making myself a hypocrite.

Changes happens in increments. It does not occur overnight. It's slow. People making small changes eventually adds up.

People take centuries to get shit done. My money's on new teach saving our asses. Probably something to help address this bullshit population problem. I get to watch dumb fuckers go to war or shoot themselves or drown or whatever whenever I notice anything to do with the news. That's why I don't blink about millions dying, because that's par for the course. Hard to tear up after another flood, another earthquake, another tornado, blah blah blah.

I keep coming back to that quote: "I think there are just too many people in the world, I think that's why we kill each other." The planet may as well be Australia and we're the Rabbit Plague.

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