Why is it so hard for people to go vegan?

Yeah so speaking from personal experience, i agree with your point, fuck the human mindset, fuck how convenient it is to commit so much harm against the environment, it’s terrible and I hate that I can’t break certain habits. But i guess that’s the issue, is that it’s so engrained in our systems to have easily accessible food that we don’t question the sources of.

Unfortunately for me, other than pure habit and still craving cheese so often, I just find it genuinely difficult to find protein options that fit my allergy needs. I have a peanut and tree nut allergy, and used to have a fairly bad soy allergy so try to eat soy-based things sparingly (though i should really get another allergy test to double check).

So i honestly am just wondering, what is there for quick and simple protein options that isn’t the same thing everyday (yes i know it’s a privilege to have something to eat in the first place and should just be eating raw fruits and veggies 24/7 but like, i just have so many sensory and allergy issues that I feel like i can’t find enough variety).

I do like chickpeas and black beans in most things, and lentil pasta is good. I like sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, lots of stuff honestly, i’m just terrible with the executive functioning part and actually deciding on flavors and how to combine everything

anyway, i’m honestly just looking for tips on how to stick to this diet! because no, it’s not as hard as most people make it out to be, but it is still difficult to break habits and prepare your own food everyday!

/r/vegan Thread