Would James Callis make a good Doctor?

Wow, 10/10 OP. You posted a picture of James Callis on /who/, asking if he'd be a good Doctor - and then, before anyone had even replied, you made this thread here. That's some really top-level deception. Bra fucking vo.

Yknow, if you want to talk about it here, you can just bring it up without trying to validate it by mentioning /who/? That way, everyone can immediately dismiss it as a shit discussion topic, instead of dismissing it and then going, "Huh, /who/ must really be shit."

Which it is. Don't get me wrong. But this is just annoying.

As of right now, the only response to your post on /who/ is someone going, "Well, the next Doctor will probably be female," and someone else calling you out on this crossing streams bullshit. /tv/who/ and /r/gallifrey are totally different discussion genres: on /r/gallifrey, with the reddit format, you need some atom of substance to start a successful conversation about a topic. Whereas on /who/ you can just spew shit and it'll either get talked about or swept over in the continuously evolving, stream-of-consciousness discussion between dozens of people with identical usernames.

And the best thing is, this isn't the first time you did this! And last time, I called you out for it just the same! Look at that, I was so done that I even deleted that account, and now I've gone and made a new one because you're up to your old tricks again you!

My refrain then is just as applicable now as it was then:

4chan is a very different place from reddit, and by sandwiching /who/ discussion into /r/gallifrey, you're making both boards look worse. Don't.

Ta da! Leave your tips in the hat. I'm off to cry about Time Hunter on stream.

/r/gallifrey Thread